Changing sidenav elements#

Bulma sphinx theme supports customising the elements that show up in the sidenav (left).

Changing sidenav width#

Bulma sphinx theme allows specifying the width of sidenav, the sidenav width is 20% by default. To change the width, you need to provide the sidenav-width css variable configuration value to Bulma sphinx theme, for example,

html_theme_options = {
    "css_variables": {
        "sidenav-width": "320px",

Changing sidenav background#

We can also specify the sidenav background (light color or dark color). To change the background, you need to provide the bst-color-background-sidenav color variable value to Bulma sphinx theme, for example,

html_theme_options = {
    "light_colors": {
        "bst-color-background-sidenav": "rgb(240, 248, 255)",
    "dark_colors": {
        "bst-color-background-sidenav": "black",


Bulma sphinx theme does not check the value of the color variable, make sure you provide the right value to make it work!

Last updated on Jan 16, 2024.